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The Fidelio Orchestra is made up of professional and amateur musicians brought together for performances of orchestral, operatic and choral music. Its mission is to inspire people from a range of backgrounds through its accessible and informal approach while at the same time providing opportunities for young professional musicians to perform in a collaborative musical environment.

Please support the Fidelio Orchestra (a registered charity) so it can continue in its mission, build on recent successes, and continue to inspire thee future generation to look at music as a viable career.

We offer three Friends of Fidelio Orchestra schemes:

Donations of £1,000 Leonore Friends will receive  access to three orchestral performances in the year for four people plus priority booking for the gala 

Donations of £500 Florestan Friends will receive access to three orchestral performances in the year for two people 

Donations of £250 Pizarro Friends will receive access to two orchestral performances in the year for two people

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you give! Your £10 donation turns into £12.50 at no extra cost to you!

Not eligible to claim Gift Aid?

Donate without Gift Aid

Photo: Matthew Johnson